WSI Journal

: Selection process

Article manuscripts

Manuscripts submitted to our open issues are subject to a double-blind peer review. Our authors receive the reviews either entirely or partly and our recommendations for revision. Publication decisions are based on our refereess’ votes. For a list of all our referees since 2010 see Referees

With the peer review process we seek to improve the quality of submitted manuscripts.

Special issues are conceptualised and coordinated by guest editors and are discussed by the editorial staff and the scientific editorial advisory board. Our guest editors are responsible for the review of the contributions to our special issues – usually in co-operation with external referees.

Other sections

Publication decisions concerning contributions to our sections “WSI reports”, “Research reports”, “Practice-based findings”, and “Debate” are made by the editorial staff. This is also the case for book reviews. They deal with books suggested by the editorial staff or our authors.

Please send your submission/your book review offer to:
gudrun-linne (at)