
Going forward or backward? Perspectives on an European Social Citizenship

Veranstalter: WSI of the Hans Böckler Foundation, University of Konstanz
Ort: Düsseldorf und online, Haus der Universität
vom: 23.11.2022, 09:00 Uhr
bis: 23.11.2022, 17:00 Uhr

The war against Ukraine deeply concerns Europe in its political, economic and social dimensions. Its far-reaching effects such as additional economic burdens, challenges within the social security net and increasing insecurities enter our everyday life and are an increasing matter of public debate and policy. Being confronted with the violation of international law in the EU’s neighborhood also raises questions of European solidarity and identity. Taking these current events into account, the conference discussed the (evolving) role of a social Europe through presentations, policy inputs and a keynote by Frank Vandenbroucke, Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health in Belgium. 

Achieving progress, social justice, social security, and prosperity throughout European societies implies to strengthen the social dimension of and within the EU. However, we see enormous social and institutional differences among member states as well as varying conditions of granted social rights. The conference took up insights onto conditions and views onto the development of a commonly shared European social citizenship and discussed the following questions: Do we observe a new (strong) emphasize on a common social Europe – and which indicators mark progress on the way towards a more social and equal Europe? How are overarching social rights experienced, and perceived as necessary for the future by citizen throughout EU member states? And what effects do experiences of a misleading integration in a social Europe have on attitudes towards social cohesion, integration, and democracy?

The conference program is here (PDF)

Panel Session I: The Concept of European Social Citizenship: Past, Present and Future

The Past and Present of European Social Citizenship: The Citizens’ View
Gianna Maria Eick, University of Konstanz

Towards a Social Union. Overcoming intra EU imbalances and external schocks
László Andor, Foundation for European Progressive Studies

Panel Session II: Inequalities and Social Integration in Europe – More than a Correlation?

Scepticism or Support towards Migrant Integration? How integration policies and elite discourses shape perceptions of ethnic threat
Bart Meuleman, University of Leuven, Belgium

Perceptions of Democratic and Social Integration in Germany: Empirical Evidence from the Project “Social Stratification and Democratic Integration” 
Andreas Hövermann, WSI of the Hans Böckler Foundation

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